At first,
I assumed it was just
a Vagina thing.
I don’t have one,
so THAT was just
a logical conclusion,
a first guess.
It seems today
is doing it.
It baffles me
that we don’t learn
from our past.
Whether good or bad,
our past teaches us
something about our future.
Raise your hand
if you worried
in the past.
Go back
and figure out
what the result
of that worry was.
It worked out,
You Probably Don’t Even Remember!
You were THERE,
you wiggled your way
through the situation,
did what you had to do
to get HERE.
and over,
and over,
You Survived.
You are alive.
You made it through
THAT one.
You Probably Got Smarter!
The Worry
That You Chose
Was The Most Negative Aspect
Of The Experience.
Landing where you landed
is just your new reality.
Live there,
don’t die looking back
on where you were!
Which is worse,
THINKING about going to work,
or the actual work?
It’s the dread
that you CHOOSE
that is the worse,
I bet.
You probably could find
some fun,
something positive,
in your work
if you just focused on
If you are having trouble
concentrating on living
because you are worried about
then try these two little tricks:
FIRST: Change Your Expectations:
Adjusting your expectations
is the easiest way
to cope with where
your life is going.
Let Go of What Was
and Create a Different
What Is.
SECOND: Play with Possibilities:
Don’t attach yourself
to the day and day
fluctuations of your
Trials and Errors.
Just PLAY with IT!
Point your ARROW
where you want to go>>>
and don’t let your
fucking vagina,
I meant,
fragile feelings,
I meant,
yesterday’s realities
get in the way
of today’s dreams.
Just PLAY with IT!
and over,
and over,
Just PLAY with IT!
On the coffee table,
in the kitchen,
in your car,
in the morning
when you get up,
at noon,
at night when you lay down,
just PLAY with IT.
You know the end of the story.
You will survive,
and you will thrive,
if you choose THAT.
That Worry Wart
on your face
is Butt-Ass Ugly.